How to reset password in Avionte for W2s 2021 or prior.
In Avionte, click “Employee”
Look Up Employees
When you pull up employee verify they would have a W2 by pulling up their pay history. You can look this up on the left hand side under pay history.
In pay history you are looking for any check information in this area from 2012-2021 they will have a w2 in Avionte.
If you verified pay history, go back to main SA profile and proceed with updating web login. Go to actions and web login to update.
When in web login you will review below.
Login Name: Provide this to SA, this will be their username to login
Password: Reset this to whatever you would like.
Web Role: Make sure it is set to EMPLOYEE. If it is set to Applicant, switch it.
Reset Password At Next login: Check this box off
Then select finish.