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What Are Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines, also known as Brand Standards, are a strategic roadmap that guides the consistent representation of a brand in all forms of communication. They detail the design, composition, and general look and feel of a brand’s identity. This includes aspects like logo usage, color palette, typography, imagery, voice, and more.

Brand Guidelines play a pivotal role in communicating a company’s unique identity and values. They ensure consistency, which is vital for establishing and maintaining a recognizable and trustworthy brand. Without these guidelines, a brand can become disjointed and confusing, leading to a diluted brand presence and a weaker connection with your audience.

For more information regarding our Brand Guidelines, use the button below to download our branding kit.

All Of Your Branding Needs In One Place

The Function of Brand Guidelines

The function of Brand Guidelines is threefold:

  1. Consistency: By standardizing elements such as logo usage, color schemes, and typography, brand guidelines ensure a consistent and unified brand image across all platforms and channels, from print materials to digital content and beyond.

  2. Recognition: With consistent application, brand guidelines help build brand recognition. The more familiar our audience becomes with our brand’s unique identity, the stronger our brand’s recognition and recall will be.

  3. Guidance: Brand guidelines serve as a resource for anyone creating content for our brand, internally or externally. They provide clear instructions and set expectations, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and our brand image remains intact.

At the end of the day, Brand Guidelines are a tool for communicating our brand’s story in a way that is cohesive, consistent, and compelling. By understanding and applying our guidelines, your team can effectively convey our brand’s essence and create meaningful connections with our audience.

Types of Logos

At Forge, we have meticulously curated a portfolio of three distinct logo variants, each tailored for specific applications and settings to ensure optimal brand representation.

  1. Traditional Logo: Our Traditional Logo employs a classic horizontal layout and serves as the cornerstone of our visual identity. This logo variant is predominantly utilized across a broad spectrum of our brand touchpoints, encapsulating both physical and digital landscapes.

  2. Stacked Logo: As an avant-garde rendition of our Traditional Logo, the Stacked Logo presents a contemporary aesthetic. It is primarily employed within our digital domains as a secondary visual identifier.

  3. Forge F Icon: Specifically designed for instances requiring a more compact representation, the Forge F Icon is optimally used for social media avatars and other scenarios where space is at a premium.

On this platform, you have the option to download individual logo files according to your needs. Additionally, we offer complete color packs to maintain a cohesive brand presence. Moreover, we provide access to a specialized selection of seasonal logos from our extensive library to allow for a timely and contextually appropriate brand expression.

Special Use Cases

At Forge, each logo variant is meticulously designed for particular applications, as articulated in our comprehensive brand guidelines.

Limited Use of Forge F and Seasonal Logos: It’s important to note that the Forge F and Seasonal Logos are specialized identifiers that should be judiciously employed—mostly internally or in highly particular situations. The rationale for this specific deployment stems from our brand’s historical recognition, which is primarily anchored in our name rather than any logo variant. Utilizing the logo in isolation from the brand name may not yield the brand reinforcement traditionally associated with the full Forge name.

Approved Use Cases for Forge F and Seasonal Logos: The contexts in which these specialized logos are deemed acceptable are as follows:

  • Social Media Icons: Ideal for platforms where space and quick recognition are essential.
  • Profile Avatars: Suitable for internal and external digital profiles requiring a concise visual identifier.
  • Premium Spaces: Reserved for high-impact, selective placements where the logo can stand alone without diluting the brand.
  • Collaborative Branding Opportunities: Optimal for co-branding exercises where each brand retains its distinct identity.
  • Email Signatures: A subtle yet effective way to maintain brand consistency in day-to-day communications.


Should you find yourself uncertain about the appropriateness of logo usage, or if you require a tailored amalgamation of colors and styles, please do not hesitate to consult our marketing department for expert guidance. As stewards of the Forge brand, we are always available to provide the necessary clarifications and support to ensure impeccable brand presentation.

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