Per your committee peers 😊
The Safety Sense email being sent out to all active employees for the month of August explains what a workplace emergency is and reminds employees to be familiar with the company emergency preparedness checklist.
Please continue to stress hydration to SA’s and also make sure SA’s are given adequate breaks to get hydrated during their shift if liquids are not permitted at their station. Many offices have taken bottle water and popsicles to clients to give out to all staff. This is a great way to build our relationship with clients and our employees.
Looking back on July: the top injury for the month was lacerations…again Multiple body parts being injured, mostly arms, wrists, and fingers and most of them from lacerations. Again, many of these could have been prevented by just slowing down the pace. Lots of fumbling with parts and dropping them on the arms/fingers. Again, not one of these injured SA’s mentioned feeling any pressure to get a task done by a certain deadline, most were just rushing through without paying attention. We need to remind SA’s, to slow down and be aware of their surroundings. We should be evaluating clients that have multiple laceration injuries to see if they have the proper PPE in place.
The second quarter safety initiative winner was DTW-Livonia. Congrats to them for having the lowest frequency market wide for April, May and June!
Remember with each incident it is our responsibility to find the root cause of the problem and figure out what needs to change or how to fix the problem to ensure the safety or our employees! Even if the SA declines treatment for the injury we still want to investigate what happened so we can prevent it from happening again. Need help finding the root cause to complete your injury file, more importantly, the Post Accident/Injury Questionnaire? Remember the following:
What happened;
How did it happen;
Why it happened;
What needs to be corrected.
Work with your clients to make sure our SA’s are safe, and we are providing them with a safe space and environment to work in. Safety is a team effort!